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Featured Podcast

Navigating Retirement Risks

Bill and Andy discuss all the types of risks one may have to face in retirement, and how to mitigate them...

Divorce: The Effect on Finances & Family Pt. 2

Bill and Pete interview Sean McAllister, Associate at Loeb Law Firm, and discusses how married couples can protect themselves from potential divorce issues, prenuptial agreements and post-prenuptial agreements, budgeting, and domestic cohabitation contracts.

Divorce: The Effect on Finances & Family, Pt. 1

Bill and Pete interview Sean McAllister, Associate at Loeb Law Firm, where they talk about Louisiana Revised Statute 9:315, understanding divorce and finance, and what to expect when children, pensions, property, and tax returns are involved.

Confidence in the Face of Fear

In this episode of The Confident Wealth Podcast, Pete and Bill Bush of Horizon Financial Group discuss the market downturn due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, and the declared global pandemic. Pete and Bill talk about strategies you can use to stay positive in scary times when your account value is declining. How can you build, gain, or maintain confidence during trying times?

The Value of Working with an Advisor Ep. 9: Leaving a Legacy, Life Transitions, and Caring for Others

Bill and Pete talk about the problems associated with not having a will, the value of having an advisor to walk clients through the process of estate planning, organizing and maximizing value, getting help with gift money to causes, how to handle life transitions, and how to prepare for taking care of your parents or other family members in the future.

The Value of Working with an Advisor Ep. 8: Preparing for Retirement

This episode of The Confident Wealth Podcast with Bill Bush and Pete Bush is the 8th installment in their series, The Value of Working with an Advisor. During this installment, Bill and Pete address the subject of preparing for retirement in a manner that you can feel confident about. What type of retirement goals do you have for you and your spouse? How will your financial needs change during different phases of retirement? What are the various ways financial planners can assist future retirees with proper preparation? Bill and Pete have the answers for you. 

The Value of Workin with an Advisor Ep. 7: Organizing, Monitoring & Guiding

This episode of The Confident Wealth Podcast with Bill Bush and Pete Bush is the 7th installment in their series, The Value of Working with an Advisor. Listen and learn all about how financial advisors can assist you with preparing, analyzing, and guiding your ever-changing financial situation. Bill and Pete point you in the right direction for budgeting, reviewing recurring fees, and overcoming disorganization.

The Value of Working with an Advisor Ep. 6: Budgeting & Cash Flow

This episode of The Confident Wealth Podcast with Bill Bush and Pete Bush is the 6th installment in their series, The Value of Working with an Advisor. Gain some useful insight on budgeting and cash flow. Find out how financial advisors can help clients get a handle on their budgets, find out where their problematic areas are, and how to go about building healthier spending and savings habits.

The Value of Wokring with an Advisor Ep. 5: Managing Inherent Risks

This episode of The Confident Wealth Podcast with Bill Bush and Pete Bush continues on as the 5th installment in their series, The Value of Working with an Advisor. Learn more about the inherent risks we have, and how we can manage them from a financial advisement standpoint.

The Value of Working with an Advisor Ep. 4: Managing and Minimizing Taxes

In this episode, we dig deeper into the conversation about how a financial advisor adds value. In this fourth installment of this ongoing series we delve into the strategies and advantages of managing and minimizing your taxes. No one wants to pay too much in taxes. Learn about the right way to have your tax professional implement deductions, tax credits, taxable events, HSAs, and Roth conversions.

The Value of Working with an Advisor Ep. 3: Planning & Managing Investments

In this episode of The Confident Wealth Podcast, Bill Bush and Pete Bush, Advisors at Horizon Financial Group, continue their series on how financial advisors offer value. This time, they discuss planning and managing investments including the typical mistakes that investors make and how advisors can help them avoid those mistakes.

The Value of Working with an Advisor Ep. 2: Laying the Tracks

In this episode, we continue the conversation about how a financial advisor adds value. We talk about how the financial advisors role is to “lay the tracks.” The advisor encourages positive habits and behaviors that help you get to your end financial goal. They make large tasks bite-sized achievable actions. 

The Value of Working with an Advisor Ep. 1: Building a Roadmap

In this episode of the Confident Wealth Podcast, the Bush Brothers talk about the value of a financial advisor. The starting place for any relationship with an advisor is to sit down and create a roadmap of your financial goals - past, present, and future. From there, the financial advisor serves as your thought partner, mirror, and accountability partner. There is a lot of value that can be captured from having a relationship with a financial advisor.

More With The Scorecard

Business continuity and estate planning are essential to ensure that your loved ones and employees are well supported and have all they need to thrive.

More With The Scorecard

Bill & Pete talk about three important categories on the Confident Wealth Scorecard: tax efficiency, business continuity and estate planning.

Keeping Score

Bill and Pete list and explain the 8 categories of their Confident Wealth Scorecard. Filling in this scorecard helps an individual outline their personal and financial vision for the future.

It's About Confidence

Bill and Pete discuss the various ways through which individuals can build confidence when it comes to managing their wealth.

Navigating Retirement Risks

Bill and Andy discuss all the types of risks one may have to face in retirement, and how to mitigate them...

Climbing the Steps to Financial Confidence

Bill and Andy discuss how to climb the steps to greater financial confidence....

New Year, New Habits: Decluttering Your Life and Finances

The 401(k) Brothers discuss getting off to a great start in the New Year...

The Grapes of Roth

Bill and Andy discuss the fruits of Roth accounts....

Falling Forward...

Fall weather has arrived...but don't fall back to old habits. Andy & Bill discuss how it's never a bad time to seek out help.

Rules of Thumb & When to Break Them

Bill & Andy review well-know "rules of thumb" and when it makes sense to follow them, or break them...

The Latest on Savings Rates

Bill and Andy discuss the latest trends in savings rates inside company retirement plans...

Managing Retirement Expectations

Andy & Bill talk expectations versus reality when it comes to retirement...

The Derby and a Few Pivots

Andy and Bill discuss discuss the upcoming Derby and some key financial concepts...

Saving v. Spending

Bill and Andy discuss Saving versus Spending, the ultimate every-day battle we all face...

Mindsets Matter

Andy & Bill discuss the intersection of behavior, savings, and retirement mindsets.

Your Year-End Financial Checklist

Andy & Bill take a look at 8 key financial topics to review at the end of the year...

Planning Ahead for 2024

Andy & Bill take a look at the Contribution Limit Changes for 2024...and more!

The Financial Decision Sweet Spot

In this episode of "Inside the Plan with the 401(k) Brothers", hosted by Bill and Andy Bush, the hosts provide insight into the hosts' their experiences with money and financial responsibility, highlighting the values they learned from their upbringing.

Preparing for the Season!

In this episode of "Inside the Plan with the 401(k) Brothers", hosted by Bill and Andy Bush, the hosts discuss various topics including the hot weather of August, the anticipation of cooler weather, and the upcoming football season.

We Hear From The Younger Voices

The podcast "Inside the Plan with the 401K Brothers" is hosted by Bill and Andy Bush. In this particular episode, they have invited special guests who are young individuals in their early and mid-twenties: Robert Burke, Kaitlyn Williamson, and Savannah Henry.

The Distribution Phase

On today's episode of the "Inside the Plan with the 401(k) Brothers", host Bill Bush and Andy Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group, will talk about the distribution phase of retirement.

Meet Our New Team Member!

In today's episode of the "Inside the Plan with the 401(k) Brothers", host Bill Bush and Andy Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group are going to introduce the newest member of the Horizon retirement plans, John Lensing.

Spring Has Sprung

Andy and Bill had a nice trip to San Diego for the National Association of Plan Advisors and did a lot of education around the 401K world.

Living Longer, Living Better

In this episode, Andy and Bill talk about the concepts of living long and prospering.

How the SECURE ACT 2.0 will Affect You

Bill and Andy share details of the recently passed SECURE Act 2.0 legislation

No Regrets

Bill and Andy discuss the top 5 regrets often identified by older Americans.

Take it to the Limit in 2023

In this episode, Bill and Andy talk about changes to the 401(k) (and other) contribution limits for 2023

Let's Talk Recessions

Bill and Andy talk about the anatomy of recessions in this episode of Inside The Plan with the 401(k) Brothers...

HSAs as a Retirement Strategy

How HSAs can fit into your retirement planning strategy

What's the Plan, Stan?

In this epsiode, Bill and Andy talk about knowing your plan's Summary Plan Description

Launching The Runway Decade

Andy and Bill Bush talk about the book The Runway Decade: Building a Pre-retirement Flight Plan in Your 50's

Generational Investment Behavior: Baby Boomers

A discussion on the Generational Investment Behavior of Baby Boomers

Generational Investment Behavior: Gen X

Andy and Bill discuss Generation X and their investment behaviors on this episode of Inside The Plan with the 401(k) Brothers

Generational Investment Behavior: Millennials

In today’s episode of the “Inside the Plan with the 401(k) Brothers”, host Bill Bush and Andy Bush continue their Generations Series, discussing millennials....

Generational Investment Behavior: Gen Z

Generational Investment Behavior: Gen Z

Top Retirement Dreams

Retirement Dreams Survey

New Thinking for the New Year

New Thinking for the New Year

What's (Possibly) Next in the 401(k) World?

What's (Possibly) Next in the 401(k) World?

Back to School with Your 401(k)

Time to go back to school with your 401(k)! Andy and BIll discuss 5 things to review as the school year opens.

Things to Know About Social Security

In this episode of Inside the Plan with the 401(k) Brothers, Bill Bush and Andy Bush help explian how Social Secuirty works.

Time for a Personal Audit?

In this episode of ‘Inside the Plan with the 401(k) Brothers’, Bill Bush and Andy Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group talk about the benefits of doing a personal audit and share some tips on how to do that. 

Answering Participants' Questions

In this episode of ‘Inside the Plan with the 401(k) Brothers’, Bill Bush and Andy Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group answer some of the participants' questions on Financial / Tax / Retirement Planning from their recent meetings.

Spring Cleaning

Bill & Andy talk about tidying up financial clutter, strategies for getting rid of documents you no longer need, and how to stay on top of your economic situation.

Rolling Forward

Andy & Bill talk about returns, markets, and historical numbers associated with the S&P 500.

Retirement Reality vs Expectations

Andy & Bill share some tips envisioning what your retirement might look like, with best practices based on a recent survey conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

Love Is In The Air

Bill & Andy talk about why getting life insurance is an act of love. They share insight into what goes into a term life insurance policy, how to estimate what you need from a policy, and more.

Financial Wellness...Behind The Numbers

Bill talks with Jason Roussell from ADP about financial wellness, the programs they offer clients, the work they do with Louisiana businesses, and how stress is impacting employees and employers.

Planning to Make a Plan

Bill & Andy discuss planning for your plans, understanding that plans can go wrong, what things that can go wrong during retirement, and establishing a household budget.

2020 Holiday Special

Bill and Andy talk about traditions of the holiday season at the end of the year, the importance of making a retirement wish list, changes that happen during retirement, and planning for the future.

Time For A Change?

Andy & Bill talk about times and strategies to make changes in your 401(k) plans and your retirement savings.

How Are You Behaving?

Bill and Andy talk about behavioral finance and statistics over a 20-year period of investing that JP Morgan has provided. They also discuss investment biases, the behaviors that impact your decisions, and how you can understand how to make better financial choices.

A Chat with a Plan Champion

Bill and Andy talk with Jenee Olivier, Human Resources Director/Safety Coordinator at Sigma Engineers and Constructors in Baton Rouge, Louisiana about 401(k) planning. ‍

How Do You Size up with this Survey?

Bill & Andy talk about the TransAmerica Center for Retirement Studies survey, how Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millenials are approaching retirement.

Andy Turns the Big 5-0!

Andy & Bill talk about Andy turning 50-years-old! What ways is he approaching his retirement and which lifestyle changes matter to him more now?

Looking To Your Future Self

Bill Bush and Andy Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group, talk about how to prepare your retirement investments, how to prioritize your spending, and ways to improve the potential quality of life for your future self.

Saving and Spending During the Slow Down

Bill Bush and Andy Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group, talk about the ways that our thoughts and behaviors impact our lives, the effects of COVID-19 on savings and spending habits, and how all of this has an effect on our 401(k) strategies.

FAQs with TPA Melissa Terito

Bill Bush and Andy Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group, talk with Melissa Terito, CPA, Partner and Third-Party Administrator at Sentinel Pension about some frequently asked questions that plan sponsors have been reaching out to her with.

One for the Plan Sponsors with Melissa Terito, TPA

Bill Bush and Andy Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group, talk with Melissa Terito, CPA, Partner and Third-Party Administrator at Sentinel Pension about plan sponsors, issues they are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the CARES Act.

Adjusting Your Finances During Uncertain Times

Andy and Bill discuss some steps to take if you find yourself stressed over your finances during these unprecedented times.

Help is on the Way- The CARES Act and Your Retirement Accounts

Andy and Bill Bush of Horizon Financial Group discuss the recently passed Conronavirus, Aid, Relief, and Economic Stimulus (CARES) Act, and what options are available to company retirement plan participants and IRA holders.

Most-Googled 401k Questions During Past 30 Days

Andy and Bill take a look at the most-Googled 401(k) related questions in the past 30-days of the coronavirus pandemic.

When The Bottom Falls Out

Commentary from the 401(k) Brothers on the recent market conditions.

Hey, Can I Retire Now?

Bill and Andy address a question that often comes up when they are working with their clients, "Can I retire now?"

Happy New Year & Decade!

Bill and Andy discuss New Year’s Resolutions plan participants should consider for the year 2020.

Is Now a Good Time to Talk About Beneficiaries?

Andy and Bill go in depth about contingent and primary beneficiaries and what we need to take care of today.

Take It to the Limit

Bill and Andy discuss the pre-2001 Tax Act changes regarding 401(k) plans, new contribution rates for 2020, as well as the rates for simple IRAs, IRAs, and Roth IRAs, and benefits you receive if you turn 50 during 2020.

What Are You Afraid Of?

Bill & Andy discuss the areas of financial market that you can’t control that may cause you fear and the areas that are within your control that can be adjusted in your favor.

Where Does It All Go?

Bill and Andy go through various budgeting scenarios based on average American age brackets, their typical household incomes, and the expenses that affect their spending.

Are These Financial Anxieties Keeping You Up At Night?

Bill & Andy go through a checklist of financial anxieties and fears that typically keep people up at night.

When is the Last Time You ...?

Bill & Andy share the important questions you need to be asking yourself and your spouse to properly prepare for retirement and adjust your 401(k) plan accordingly.

The Brothers Hit the Road: A Chat with an Industry Professional

Bill & Andy have a chat with Jon Anderson, Head of Retirement at Cetera Financial Group in the Greater San Diego Area, about the importance of retirement planning.

Developing a Retirement Vision

Andy & Bill share the various questions you need to be asking yourself in order to properly plan for retirement so that it doesn’t unexpectedly creep up on you later when you are unprepared.

Survey Says...

Andy & Bill talk about a Schwab survey of 1000 401k participants. Learn from Bill and Andy some of the key truths regarding retirement planning that were revealed and can be applied to your own life.

We're Participants Too

Bill & Andy talk about the main fears people have of retirement, the importance of paying down debts, and not getting bogged down by the past and focusing on what you can do to benefit your retirement right now.

Managing Income in Retirement

Learn from Bill and Andy about common and potential financial sources of retirement funds, when to withdraw them, and what RMDs are.

What's Your Vesting Schedule?

Bill & Andy talk about what exactly “vesting” means, the various distinctions between vesting schedules, and the ways these vested money options operate.

The Hard Facts on Hardship Distributions

Bill & Andy provide us with insight into what a 401(k) plan hardship withdrawal is, what the rules and restrictions involved in hardship withdrawals are, and how law changes have affected the regulations of hardship distributions.

What You Should Know About Taking a Loan from Your 401(k)

Learn the positive and negative sides to pulling a loan from your 401(k), what the payback structure will typically look like, and what limitations are involved.

Inside the Numbers: Retirement Statistics

What are the retirement statistics for people’s life expectancies beyond 65, the number of people retiring earlier, and how gender, health, and fear play a role in this information?

Options When Leaving an Employer

Learn the pros and cons on everything from withdrawing from your 401K plan too early, to rolling over your old plan into your new employer’s plan.

Rollovers...Old Employer to New

The 401K brothers take us through the simple steps to consolidate your 401K accounts.

Important Ages and Checkpoints

The 401K brothers take us through the important dates of our plans and discuss catch-ups, social security and distributions.

Asset Classes - Risk/Reward

There is a range of different risks and rewards associated with each asset. Today, the 401K brothers add some light to the different investments and their risk.

Target Date Funds

Have you ever wanted an easy button for your 401k investing? Target Date Funds are a one-stop investment option for a 401k participant.

How Much Should I Contribute?

Bill & Andy cut to the chase and give us the information we need to plan for a successful retirement.

A Quick Look at Social Security

Andy & Bill talk about what social security is and what we can do about it.

The 411 on 401k fees

Andy & Bill delve into why we pay for our plans and how we can get the most value out of our plan.

Maxing Out

Bill and Andy Bush talk about the contribution limits in company retirement plans.

Traditional v. Roth

The 401(k) Brothers discuss the differences between traditional and Roth deferrals.

Play Ball!

Bill and Pete talk the great game of baseball, and look for financial lessons along the way...

New Year, New Focus

Bill and Pete discuss launching into 2025 with renewed focus and energy...

Year-End Mindset

Bill and Pete discuss getting in the right frame of mind as the year comes to a close...

The Road Diverges

When the plan is complete, do you go at it alone...or seek advice?

Taking Action!

You've dreamed and planned, now it's time to take action...

Ways To Get There

Bill and Pete discuss Chapter 7 of their book The Runway Decade...."Ways to Get There"...

What's Working? What's Not?

In this episode of the Runway Decade Podcast, hosts Bill Bush and Brother Pete delve into the intricacies of managing finances as you approach the later stages of your career, emphasizing the common financial planning mistakes and how to correct them.

Where Are You Now?

In this insightful episode of The Runway Decade Podcast, hosts Bill and Pete delve into understanding your current financial situation as a foundational step towards achieving your future goals. They underscore the importance of awareness in financial planning, examining the significance of knowing where you are before you can determine where you're going.

Developing Your Retirement Vision

Bill and Pete talk about developing your ideal retirement vision, a key part of getting started in The Runway Decade...

What's In Your Way?

Obstacles...they are everywhere. Pete and BIll take a look at the most common ones you have to overcome in your financial journey.

Long Term Investing and Elections

Bill and Pete discuss Investing in Election Years, and taking a Long-Term approach in this episode of The Runway Decade Podcast

Tax Time & Spring Cleaning

Bill and Pete talk taxes on the latest edition of The Runway Decade Podcast...

Is This The Year?

Pete and Bill throw down the challenge to make this year your best ever....

Your 2023 Year-End Financial Checklist

Bill and Pete go over a list of important things to consider as the year comes to a close...

Disruptions, Transitions, and a Financial Sweet Spot

Things don't always go as, is there a certain time people make the best financial decisions?

Reunions, Time Machines, and Hootie

Bill and Pete discuss reunions, time machines, and concepts found in The Runway Decade...

Business Leaders & CYA

Bill & Pete talk about the importance of planning for business leaders...

Songs of Survivors

Bill & Pete talk music, careers, and helping others with David St. Romain

Always in Action

The Bush Bush brothers chat with Ray Castle, retired as professor, but active in his business.

Paging Dr. Davis!

In today's episode of the "The Runway Decade Podcast," hosts Bill Bush and Pete Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group talk to Dr. Mike Davis; who is with CVT Surgical Center in Baton Rouge.

We're Our Own Guests-Pt. 2

Authors Bill and Pete Bush tell their story in this episode of The Runway Decade Podcast...

We're Our Own Guests-Pt. 1

Bill and Pete are their own guests? They get a chance to tell their story on this episode...

The Intersection of Health & Wealth

Pete and Bill visit with Dr. Curtis Chastain of the OLOL Executive Wellness Program.

Lights, Camera...Action!

Horizon's Bill and Pete Bush visit with Michael Papajohn, former LSU baseball player turned professional movie actor.

Author, Speaker...Tiger!

In this episode of the "The Runway Decade Podcast," hosts Bill Bush and Pete Bush chat with Paul Hood


Author Justin Breen on the latest edition of The Runway Decade Podcast

Looking Back at Finding My Why

Bill Bush and Pete Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group talk to Gene Plauche

That Championship Feeling

Bill Bush and Pete Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group talk to two-time NCAA baseball coach of the year Mike Bianco.

Empowering Entrepreneurs via Coaching & Innovation

In today's episode of the "The Runway Decade Podcast," hosts Bill Bush and Pete Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group talk to author, entrepreneur and business coach Colleen Bowler.

Fulfillment by Supporting & Leading Others

In today's episode of the "The Runway Decade Podcast," hosts Bill Bush and Pete Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group are talking with Brett Harrison, the CEO of Cetera Advisors.

Helping Neighbors and the Community Grow

An Early Vote of Confidence

In this episode of the "The Runway Decade Podcast", hosts Bill Bush and Pete Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group are talking with Pat Cuntz, a former LSU baseball player, and now successful business leader in Baton Rouge.

Seven Days That Changed Everything

In today’s episode of the “The Runway Decade Podcast”, hosts Bill Bush and Pete Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group are talking with Angela Decoteau, a mom, and a great family person who had a transformation in her 50s.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to My Mid 50s

In this episode of the “The Runway Decade Podcast”, hosts Bill Bush and Pete Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group talk with guest Gloria McConnell about the new things she is embracing in her 50s.

Estate Planning on the Runway

Hosts Bill Bush and Pete Bush speak with guest Sharon Whitlow, an Attorney, and Partner at Whitlow & Simmons Law firm.

Helping Others Achieve Their Purpose

In today’s episode of the “The Runway Decade Podcast”, hosts Bill Bush and Pete Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group, talk with guest Jennifer Hicks, Financial Advisor out of Colorado Springs, Colorado.

The Goal is 110 !

Erinn Ford, Executive Vice President of Advisory Engagement at Advisor Group joins Bill and Pete on this episode...

Career, Community & Finance with Jesse Hurst

In this episode of the “The Runway Decade Podcast”, hosts Bill Bush and Pete Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group, talk with guest Jesse Hurst, founder of Impel Wealth Management.

Feeling Great at 58!

Protecting & Leaving a Legacy with Mark Fry

They Call Me Poppi

In this episode of the “The Runway Decade Podcast”, hosts Bill Bush and Pete Bush, advisors at Horizon Financial Group, talk with guest Tom Bouchie, who shares about his career journey, his life in the ’50s, and his retirement plans.‍

A Rising Star Realtor on the Runway

A Chat with a Marketing Pro

Susan Theder, Chief Marketing Officer at FMG Suite joins us on this episode of The Runway Decade Podcast

Business Colleagues on the Runway

In this episode of “TheRunway Decade Podcast”, hosts and brothers Bill Bush and Pete Bush,advisors at Horizon Financial Group; talk with guests Todd Barlow and Chris King (entrepreneurs and Business Colleagues) about their early life and their entrepreneurial journey in their 50s..

Welcome to The Runway Decade

The inaugural epsidoe of the Runway Decade life in your 50's

Let's talk about your goals.

Start a Conversation